Commitments to One Another

Love & Unconditional Acceptance

Jesus says, “A new command I give you, that you love one another.” We have no choice, as a Christian community, but to love and accept you! And, may we be so bold as to ask the same from you?


We are also committed to praying for you and joining you in prayers for all your loved ones and hope that you will pray for us.


We all want the encouragement of others. But it’s especially helpful from our spiritual brothers and sisters. We’re all here to listen and to assist. (Sometimes the encouragement, however, will echo that of our Lord’s to “repent,” that is, to turn around from the path we were following. Our commitment isn’t to interfere in each others’ lives or try to direct them, but occasionally, when necessary, to intervene with care and compassion.)

Provide for One Another’s Needs

We are sensitive to each others’ spiritual needs. So we provide for worship, education, fellowship and service. You will be asked to join in helping make all of that happen.

In times of illness, hospitalization, recovery, grief, etc., pastoral care is provided. Please let us know when you are in need.

In times of difficulty of any sort, free and confidential pastoral counseling is available.

The church also wants to be responsive to any pressing physical or financial needs of its members and is ready to assist to the best of its ability. We help each other.