What is Worship Like?

No matter you age, race, or status in life, you will be welcomed at the Galilean! We are all God’s children. We gather together each Sunday to celebrate his grace and love.

It’s a Celebration!  Worship….a celebration?  Of course.  We gather each week to celebrate the Grace God shows us each and every day.

I’m new here….is it easy to follow Worship?  Yes it is!  All of our worship service is shown on TV monitors in front of the church.  Whether it’s your first time or you are a long-time member, the flow of worship is easy.

Do you offer communion?  As Lutherans, communion is an essential part of our worship.  Communion is offered each week.  We offer both wine and grape juice during communion which is served at the altar rail.  We welcome all baptized Christians who celebrate Christ’s real presence to us in Holy Communion.

Do I have to receive communion?  Of course not.  If you’re not ready to receive communion at the Galilean, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing or stay seated and listen and join in our communion hymns.

Is there music?  Yes!  Music is incorporated throughout our service.  Our music is a combination of traditional hymns as well as new and more contemporary songs often performed by our choir.

If I attend worship, do I have to contribute?  Not at all.  While we welcome offerings from guests, we certainly don’t expect them.

How can I contribute if I want to?  Offerings are accepted after we share the sign of peace with each other.  Those wishing to contribute are welcome to come forward and place their offering in the plate set at the steps of the altar.  It’s our way of bringing our offerings to God.

Come and experience worship at the Galilean yourself!