Faith We Share


Christ is the center of our lives. We know that he died to redeem us and rose from the grave to give us the gift of eternal life. He is the head of the Church. So even though we may occasionally speak about “our congregation,” it’s not. It is his. We are his people, called to live out the new life he has given us in faith and joy.


Although none of us reads and studies the Bible as much as we should, it is the only source of the truth about God and our relationship to him. It is extremely important for all of us to know what God has revealed about himself and us in his written Word. So all of our preaching and teaching is firmly based on Scripture.

The Gospel

Of central importance in the Bible is the Gospel, the “good news” of what God himself has done for us in the sending of Jesus, his Son. In Jesus, God declares his gracious love for us and his forgiveness to all who believe that Jesus is our Savior. Christ is the very heart of Scripture. Through him we know how much God loves us.

Ecumenical Creeds

Members of our congregation, like all Lutherans and most of the Christians in the world, accept the three ancient Creeds of the Church (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian) as true summaries of the Christian faith.

Augsburg Confession

Although it’s certainly not on the same level as the Ecumenical Creeds, Lutherans have openly declared their understanding of Scripture in a 16th century document called the Augsburg Confession. Of particular significance is the way in which this document highlights both the similarities and the differences between Lutherans and Roman Catholics.